ui for the 7" touch screen for the library pro

How can we make holographic apps more accessible to anyone with a laptop/desktop and a Looking Glass device so that folks can experience the thrill of this emerging technology? This is one of the big questions we were trying to solve with this project. 
Official links:
[Looking Glass official blog] "#35: A Holographic App Store"
[Official download page]: http://look.glass/library
Press coverages, demos: 
The Library is made and produced by technology company, Looking Glass Factory based in Brooklyn, New York.

Library prototype for the looking glass pro https://lookingglassfactory.com/product/15-6

interim product illustrations i made for the library

Library desktop interface for the accounts feature

desktop interface for the accounts feature

Want to see a private case study on my work with this company? Please write me an email to request: nikkiespartinez@gmail.com

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